Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Simply Poor

I am currently on a disability pension, subsidized by the Ministry of Housing and Social Development (newest name change, fall of '08) .  My last income tax statement (2008) with taxes, basic personal amounts,  tax breaks, etc was approx 12500.00.  (line 150) This year I think it's approx 13,000.00

Either way, this is below the poverty line for my province. I have a 17yr old son, who needs to eat like a horse. He is over 6ft tall and considered a young man. He eats like a grown man. 

I myself have several health issues, one being Type2 Diabetes. I need to have a special diet for this in order to keep my blood sugars in control. I get an extra 35 dollars a month on my Ministry cheque for this. 

My medications are subsidized fully, Thank God. I picked up some of them yesterday, $489.00. 

I pay $700.00/mnth for rent, 68.00 for power, 100.00 for phone, internet. I used to have cable.That was 70.00/mnth. I have just cut out that luxury. This adds up to $11256.00 per year, including the cable which I just cut off this month.  I think the phone and internet will be the next to go. This is also a luxury in my book. 

This then leaves: (calculating from net income of 12500.00) $1244/ per year left for living on. Dividing that by 12, it leaves me $103.00 per month. This also looks good. I have not bought any food yet, paid my 75.00 car insurance/mnth, clothed either of us, had a treat, rented a movie. I have done nothing yet. I am currently working on quitting smoking, which costs approx 190.00/mnth. Get it yet? I don't know how I live at all. I really don't. 

A lot of robbing peter to pay paul, shuffling money around and many many broke days. It is sad when I tell my son, no sorry, you can't go to the movies with your friends this weekend. It is sad when I tell him no, there will be no Mcdonalds treats this month. It is sad that there will be no normalness in your life. 

We live below the poverty line son. 

This is our lives on the P list.

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